Shedding Light: Standards & compliance for emergency lighting – monthly column featured in Sparks Electrical News

Shedding Light by Philip Hammond is a monthly column featured in Sparks Electrical News by Crown Publications, we he discusses a variety of  industry topics from the world of lighting such as standards and compliance, lighting applications, the role of light in our lives and more…

Continuing the August theme based on “Standards and Compliance”, this month I will highlight the shortcomings in our SANS 10114-2: Interior Lighting: Emergency Lighting and then, excuse the pun, I will enlighten you about the detailed international standard IS 3217 which is the base standard used by the UK and EU countries. It is streaks ahead of our local standard and leaves nothing to chance and no stone unturned. The detail is far-reaching.

The full reference is I.S. 3217:21 + A1: 2017: Emergency lighting and Amendment 1: 2017. Remember that if you would like to purchase a copy, it can be made online. Each copy purchased is registered to the purchaser exclusively.

It is impossible to provide you with a paraphrased version of the content of this 92-page Standard. I will rather highlight those aspects that have been omitted from SANS 10114-2 and aspects that are always contentious. Some of the latter arise when consulting engineers plan to use UPS or Inverter systems to power the emergency evacuation lighting. I.S. 3217 addresses these aspects and in doing so removes any doubt and wrong practise.

Continue reading the full monthly column of Shedding Light: Lower lighting loads in times of loadshedding by Philip Hammond on Sparks Electrical News HERE.

BHA SCHOOL OF LIGHTING – 22 November 2022

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