Circadian lighting could help dementia residents…if staff can operate it – October 2023 Newsletter

This leading article of the BHA School of Lighting newsletter was sourced from with permission from LEDs Magazine, Editor-in-Chief, Carrie Meadows, and was written by Mark Halper. Mark is a contributing editor for LEDs Magazine, and an energy, technology, and business journalist who covers everything from media moguls to subatomic particles. Halper has written from locations around the world for Time MagazineFortuneForbes, the New York Times, the Financial Times, the Guardian, CBSWired, and many others.

The caregivers at a Danish nursing home will play a key role in the personalized lighting system. A usability expert will study their acceptance of it.

With personalized circadian lighting systems just about ready in individual rooms at a Danish nursing home, a European Union–backed consortium has initiated two research projects at the site, including one that studies the technology’s acceptance and usability by the caregivers who operate it.

The other examines the lighting’s effect on the health of residents, many of whom have dementia.

Circadian lighting is tunable to mimic the spectral content and intensity of the sun over the course of a day, helping to balance human circadian rhythms and thus fostering health and wellbeing, including improved sleep cycles.

Click here to continue reading the full article on LEDs Magazine

The Principal´s Pen

October, the 10th month of the year is upon us.

Our students continue doing well. A growing number are nearing both First and Second Year examinations. Some are on the threshold of graduation. It is an exciting time for the students but equally exciting for us to see them being rewarded for their dedication, hard work and enthusiasm. We also celebrate the recent graduation of Beth Maina, a student from Nairobi, Kenya.

Our biggest congratulations to Beth, who has recently graduated from BHA School of Lighting‘s Advanced Diploma in Illumination Engineering course and is now a fully qualified lighting engineer.

We are incredibly proud of your achievements and it has been our honour to watch you grow from strength to strength as you have progressed through the course.

We wish you the best success and have no doubt your lighting design knowledge and skills will greatly benefit every project that you work on in Kenya.

Beth Nganga Maina, Elec Eng | Adv Dip Illum Eng, Technical Sales Manager, Lighting Solutions Ltd, Nairobi, Kenya

Graduation Date: 27 September 2023

If you would like to meet our graduates visit

The support from around the world for the webinars that we present, continues to grow at a rate that is beyond our wildest dreams.  Here are the dates of the remaining webinars for 2023:

  • 19 October 2023 at 18:00 SAST – Yana Yakushina, a lawyer, researcher and dark sky educator, will present on “Legal and Policy Trends Towards Light Pollution Mitigation”.
  • 16 November 2023 at 18:00 SAST – David Warfel, Chief Evangelist of Light and originator of “Light can Help You” will present inspirational content. This will be our last webinar for 2023.


We look forward to 2024 and we will provide more detail about our 2024 webinar schedule in the upcoming months. Daniel has arranged some excellent overseas presenters and the topics that will be covered will be very interesting to everyone so be on the lookout for your invitations in your email inbox. It is also easy to register for our webinars, simply goto

At last, I am delighted to tell you that the new Exclusive Lighting Course that we developed for the Marketing Home Group in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been launched.  We are so excited that it is now a reality after 5.5 months of negotiation and preparation.  The longest part was applying a translation pack to translate the manuals and all the sub-elements.  That task took weeks and many long hours which demanded a a high level of concentration without interruption.

We also have other overseas developments in process so watch this space for more exciting details.

Students continue to take advantage to attend the FREE OF CHARGE monthly online Student Support Sessions.  It is open to any student currently enrolled for any of the courses that we offer.  More and more students are enjoying meeting their fellow students from around the world in some 39 countries.  Do not miss the opportunity to meet your fellow students at our next session on 4 October 2023 at 18:00.

We are excited to announce that three new short courses are under development:

  • BHASL019: Lighting for Office Buildings Course this high level manual is full of so much detail about how to complete lighting designs correctly and being fully compliant.  It is very comprehensive and has more than 100 pages of valuable content.  This course will be launched before 31 October 2023.
  • BHASL020: Lighting for Retail and Hospitality Course  designed to take students to the highest level, equipping them to produce lighting designs to suit the environments and which will be fully compliant and as energy efficient as is possible making use of all of the new technologies.
  • BHASL021: Street and Highway Lighting Course this course will address the latest international street lighting trends, street lighting considering the environment including fauna and flora, obtrusive light and legal implications and more.


I am aware that in many cases where the employer pays the enrollment fee for the student, agreements between the employer and the employee are signed regarding repayment of the costs if the student fails to complete or withdraws the course or if the person leaves the employment of the company.  As I have stated previously that all institutions of tertiary education experience a drop off, we are no different.  We also experience a drop off although our percentage is lower than other tertiary institutions.  However, it grieves me when a student drops out and has to face salary deductions to repay the company that sponsored the enrollment.  We go to amazing lengths to encourage, mentor and assist students.  We also monitor the progress of every student.  If we know that a company has sponsored the enrollment of a student/s, we communicate with the employer company as well as the student, so that they and the student are aware of their progress status.

Finally we are doubling the size of our webserver to accommodate the number of students, new courses and to maintain all student data for the required legal period, to maintain the webserver support, to produce regular FREE webinars, to continue to offer the FREE monthly Student Support Session and to continue to render the highest possible standard of personal support to every student. The increased capacity of our webserver will also accommodate the latest software updates containing a number of great new features.

I wish you all great business and good health.

With best regards


October Student Birthdays

Happy Birthday to the following past & present students celebrating their birthdays this month of October! We hope you all have a memorable day!

Tassney Jacobs, Johannesburg, South Africa – 2 October
Martina Mantaras, Montevideo, Uruguay – 4 October
Moses Hauwanga, Windhoek, Namibia – 9 October
Carolina Pedraza Guevara, Bogota, Columbia – 12 October
Tammy Maharaj, Ballito, South Africa – 14 October
Jeannine Vorster Cape Town, South Africa – 15 October
Imagine Thabang, Johannesburg – 22 October

Welcome to our new BHA School of Lighting Students

Nathan Lotriet, Lights by Linea, Cape Town, RSA – BHASL001C20: Foundation Lighting Course
JP Boshoff, Lights by Linea, Cape Town, RSA – BHASL001C20: Foundation Lighting Course
Kingsley Mohale, Lights by Linea, Cape Town, RSA – BHASL001C20: Foundation Lighting Course
Ahmed Abdelfattah Elayed Shalabi,Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia -BHASL001C20: Foundation Lighting Course
Barry Robinson- Butler, Sandton – BHASL003C19: Advanced Diploma in Illumination Engineering Course
Andries Burger, Pretoria, RSA – BHASL003C19: Advanced Diploma in Illumination Engineering Course

We wish great success to the following BHA School of Lighting students preparing for Examinations

Jaroslaw Otremba, Jozefaw, Poland – First Year Theory 1
Nicole Farman, Chicago, USA – Second Year Final Theory
Scott Williamson, Doha, Qatar – Second Year Final Theory
Enzo Manna, Pretoria, RSA – Second Year Final Theory
Katherine Stead, KZN Midlands, RSA – Second Year Final Theory

Social Media

Join the BHA School of Lighting Alumni and follow us on LinkedIn here

Follow BHA School of Lighting on Instagram here

Upcoming Events from BHA School of Lighting

Episode 11 of 2023 – Legal & Policy Trends Towards Light Pollution Mitigation by Special Guest, Yana Yakushina (CPD Activity)


Cost: Free of Charge

Date: 19 October 2023

Time: 5:45pm for 6pm – 7pm (SAST)

Presenter: Yana Yakushina, Lawyer, Researcher, & Dark Sky Protection Educator at the University of Ghent

Yana Yakushina is a lawyer, researcher, and dark sky protection educator. Currently, Yana is working on her Ph.D. thesis at the University of Ghent (Belgium). The main objective of the research is the identification of the legal framework for the recognition of light pollution as an environmental problem. Yana is actively involved in dark sky protection awareness activities by attending international conferences, podcasts, and workshops and providing consulting services.

Yana also specializes in space law. She is a Deputy Director of Legal Research and Special Projects at the Space Court Foundation Inc., who develops and manages projects related to regulating space activities across different jurisdictions, e.g. Big Book of Space Law.

Yana has successfully participated in international legal research projects in the field of dark sky protection and space law and collaborated with organizations and government bodies worldwide, inter alia, the EU Commission, Dark-Sky InternationalStarlight FoundationInternational Astronomical UnionUnited Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, etc. In addition, Yana is a member and an advisor of several NGOs, including the Dark-Sky International (IDA), Starlight Foundation, and International Institute of Space Law (IISL). This year Yana has become a board member and one of the co-founders of the Belgian dark sky protection organization – Living Night.


The main objective of this webinar is provide the audience with insightful information about the legal framework for the recognition of light pollution as an environmental issue, which not only has an impact on earth, but also on our view of the cosmos.

Of course, to recognise the problem it takes raising awareness, but also a commitment. And it just might be that the best way to get commitment is to get light pullution in the books legally. It’s a complex problem that Yana is dedicated to studying, and maybe… solving?

Yana will be discussing policy and legal trends towards legal recognition and mitigation of light pollution from different perspectives. She will address some challenges and propose recommendations which she finds relevant to consider when we deal with the issue. Yana will also share information about the consequences of light pollution and current development of law in this sphere



Cost: Free of Charge

Date: 16 November 2023

Time: 5:45pm for 6pm – 7pm (SAST)

Presenter: David Warfel, Chief Evangelist of Light & Founding Designer at Light Can Help You

David Warfel is an overly sensitive, marginally materialistic, pseudo-tree-hugging Midwestern farm boy turned lighting designer, educator, author, and entrepreneur. He’s been either lucky or talented enough to land design opportunities in residential, hospitality, museum, commercial, and even the super-niche escape-rooms-on-giant-cruise-ships industry. When he isn’t boring someone to tears talking about lighting, David leads his quirky design business, Light Can Help You, into new frontiers that promise better lighting for more people.

All of the above is true, but if you prefer a more traditional description, David is founding designer of Light Can Help You with diverse lighting experience. Design credits include performances at Carnegie Hall and The Saint Louis Black Rep, architectural designs at MGM Grand and Luxor in Las Vegas, Chicago’s Hyde Park Arts Center, and escape rooms for multiple Royal Caribbean cruise ships. His residential-focused company designs hundreds of homes each year across the continent.  David’s work and writing has been featured in LD+A, Fine Homebuilding, Lighting (Australia), Designing Lighting, Technology Designer,, and more, and he regularly blogs at

David is also an acclaimed educator, speaker, and presenter and has delivered webinars for the IES, given continuing education for AIA and IDCEC members, led full-day training courses, and co-developed an online training process for custom integrators. He is former head of lighting design at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


Science, technology, and technique provide the possibility of light in our homes and workplaces that supports human wellbeing beyond anything previously available, yet lighting for many of us has grown worse over the last twenty years instead of better. Why are homes filled with the modern equivalent of 2×4 fluorescent troffers, disguised as LED wafer lights? Why did we give up color fidelity and variability and begin choosing a single, solitary color temperature of light that leaves us in perpetual twilight? If there is a better way, why are only the select few choosing better light? And how can we make good light more accessible to our clients and building occupants? Our industry desperately needs a new approach to lighting, one that is easily understood, easily communicated, and easily executed. All of the pieces exist; it is time for us to put them together and change the world.

Join author, speaker, and lighting designer David Warfel for a look at what is wrong with lighting in our homes and what we could be doing better. Drawing from his Don’t/Do This blog series, David will discuss current residential lighting trends, lay out simplified strategies for better design, and share practical tips for making instant improvements in your home – or the homes of your clients.

Join a Professional Lighting Institution or Community

We encourage all of our Advanced Diploma in Illumination Engineering students to apply for student membership for little or no fees at local and international professional lighting institutions and lighting network communities. By becoming a member you will gain access to further study material, courses, workshops, webinars & stipends.

BHA School of Lighting is proud to be affiliated with the the International Association of Lighting Designers, the Institute of Lighting Professionals, the Virtual Lighting Design Community, The Lighting Police, Women in Lighting and the Illumination Engineering Society of South Africa.

Find more info about each organisation and community, as well as membership info here.


Copyright © 12 October  2023 BHA School of Lighting, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

BHA School of Lighting

5 Chestnut Ridge Circle, Chestnut Ridge

Royal Ascot

Cape Town, Western Cape

South Africa